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Maximizing Video Impact on Social Media | Bullseye Strategy

by | Dec 23, 2013

Just like everything else, video was “just a fad” to some marketers. Well, as put it, “Video is the new black when it comes to social media.”

Because video is all the social media rage, VideoExplainers created an infographic to showcase the importance of video in the social savvy world.

Here are some quick facts from the infographic:

  • Keep it Funny! Those who watched humorous videos from a brand are THREE TIMES more likely to click to the brand’s Facebook page after viewing than those who watched other types of video content. 
  • Celebs do not Guarantee Engagement. In fact, celebrity videos drive 12% fewer visits to brand’s Facebook pages than non-celebrity videos.
  • The Sweet Spot. 15 second videos are used the least, but drive the highest click-through rates, while 61 second videos account for half of all social video traffic and are the second most effective videos. 

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