Local SEO Services

Did you know 46% of all Google searches are potential customers searching for local information?

Local SEO Services

Did you know 46% of all Google searches are potential customers searching for local information?

Whether you’re a small business just starting out in your community or an established enterprise with multiple locations across a region, state, or nation, local search engine optimization is an opportunity to control more real estate on the search engine results page. While local SEO is nothing new, using mobile devices has become more prominent in Google searches, and as a result, local SEO can convert more searches than ever before. In fact, 88% of mobile searches lead to a call or visit to a business within 24 hours of the search.

Strategy + Execution = Results


Unlocking the power of place, local SEO services are your brand’s compass, guiding customers straight to your doorstep. These services fine-tune your online presence, ensuring that your brand shines bright when potential customers search for your niche locally. With local SEO services, your business isn’t just listed; it’s highlighted, becoming a beacon for those seeking your services in their neighborhood. This tailored approach not only boosts visibility but cements your status as the go-to choice in your community, making local SEO an indispensable tool in your digital arsenal.


Local SEO is pivotal because it aligns your business with the immediate needs of your community, turning local searches into golden opportunities. Local SEO is also another opportunity to secure valuable real estate on the search engine results pages.

In an era where convenience reigns supreme, customers often opt for the nearest solution to their needs. By prioritizing local SEO, your brand doesn’t just appear in searches; it becomes the preferred choice for those nearby.

This targeted visibility not only drives foot traffic but also builds a loyal local customer base, fostering a sense of community around your brand. In essence, local SEO is not just about being seen—it’s about being indispensable to your local customers.


Because no two businesses are the same, it takes custom strategies for every client to ensure your local SEO is on target! Using search to find your local stores is almost certain to be a part of the customer’s journey to find you today. Whether that’s searching Google Maps for your business, or using the main Google search page to seek out your phone number, local search is critical to bringing customers through your front door. Our team will set you up in Google Business Profile (GBP), allowing customers to access your location via Google Maps and leave reviews. To do this, we take a deep dive into your current local SEO strategy by optimizing your existing content, unifying your name, address, and phone number (NAP) across the web, and building and optimizing location-specific landing pages when necessary.


Our local SEO experts at Bullseye Strategy work with your business to build a customized local SEO strategy that hits the target. Our agency works closely with your team to establish clear and concise local SEO goals. To make the most out of your experience with us, we provide open communication and regular status meetings to discuss the success of your campaign. We also closely track analytics and complete routine audits to ensure your strategy is achieving your goals. At Bullseye Strategy, it’s our commitment to provide you with successful local SEO services tailored towards your unique needs that grow your business.


Bullseye Strategy is a leading local SEO agency headquartered in South Florida. Our team puts our core values at the heart of everything we do to give you the best return on your investment with a seamless and precise process. We specialize in everything from keyword research to local citation building. We build strong campaigns on a local, regional, national and international level, helping clients achieve their marketing goals no matter where they are.


Success depends not only on a successful strategy built by our local SEO experts but also on client satisfaction. We work tirelessly to provide the data-driven results our clients expect. Check out our SEO case studies to learn more about how we’ve helped clients meet their goals with solid SEO campaigns.

Case Studies



Motif Photos

Don’t wait another minute! Reach out to Bullseye Strategy today to schedule your free local SEO consultation and to learn more about our local SEO services.


Embracing local SEO services transcends visibility; it’s about embedding your brand into the daily lives of your community. These services are a catalyst for growth, turning local interest into tangible results.

  • Enhances online visibility to nearby customers
  • Increases website traffic with high intent to purchase
  • Boosts in-store foot traffic
  • Elevates your brand’s credibility and trust within the community
  • Enables precise targeting for more effective marketing
  • Improves user experience by providing relevant, local information
  • Fosters stronger relationships with local customers
  • Enhances local reputation and word-of-mouth marketing
  • Optimizes for voice searches, which often have local intent
  • Provides measurable insights to refine marketing strategies

By integrating local SEO services into your marketing mix, you’re not just reaching out to the community; you’re inviting them in, building a foundation of trust and loyalty. This strategic investment not only propels your brand to the forefront of local searches but also solidifies your standing as a leading business in your community.

Stacey Sutherland
Stacey Sutherland
I am thrilled to share a glowing review for the BullsEye Strategy team! Their efforts have been instrumental in catapulting our brand’s online presence to new heights. In a world where collaboration is key, BullsEye has been an invaluable partner in our journey to connect with industries seeking to leverage the potential of travel for fostering brand loyalty and engagement. Thanks to their in depth knowledge of SEO, we’ve reached the number one seat at the top of search engine rankings, a testament to their expertise in digital strategy. Their insights have consistently hit the mark, guiding us towards strategies that resonate with our target audience. Moreover, their consistent creation of impactful content has ensured that we remain not only relevant but also a frontrunner in our field. Working with BullsEye has been an absolute delight - their wealth of knowledge and collaborative spirit have made them an indispensable asset to our team. Many thanks to BullsEye for their contributions!
Great full-team experience to enhance our web, LinkedIN, and Google ad presence. Their expertise ensures that all aspects of our site are helping each other. We will be able to see where our customers are going and if they are finding what they need and seek.
Yvonne Monroe
Yvonne Monroe
Love working with the Bullseye team. We've been a client for several years with very positive results.
Jason Schreier
Jason Schreier
Bullseye has done a great job of handling our marketing & SEO/SEM needs. They have a diverse team capable of managing all areas, are highly organized, & a pleasure to work with. We highly recommend them.
Lisa Clark
Lisa Clark
Everyone at Bullseye is terrific. Each specialty is handled by a subject expert and all is coordinated through an account manager. Our online business is tracking 100% YOY so far!!! We are confident this trend will continue with their support and strategy. Major Kudos to Natasha, our account manager. She is so knowledgeable, pleasant and organized!!!!
fStop Foundation
fStop Foundation
The team at Bullseye Strategy has been a very powerful force in helping us grow our awareness and online presence. We love working with them! They are extremely responsive and are great listeners adjusting the message and the programs to what we need and when we need it. Highly recommend them!
Experienced staff with an amazing culture. Hands down the best job I have ever had. This is an agency with remarkable knowledge, strategy, and proven results. Highly-recommended!
Premier Virtual
Premier Virtual
Working with Jonathan and Bullseye has been great. Very knowledgeable and gets things done. They also came up with great ideas to help my business grow. Highly recommend.
Bullseye has handled the internet marketing for my law firm, Solkoff Legal, P.A., since October of 2019. They have proven to be a knowledgeable resource for us and constantly impress me with their easy availability, preparation and tracking systems. They are result-oriented, respect the firm's budget and we are seeing the results of our relationship in our bottom line. I recommend Bullseye for Internet Marketing and invite calls as a reference.