Technical SEO Agency

Technical SEO addresses the technical aspects of your web site, what’s behind the scenes, to improve its chances of being ranked well. As your technical SEO agency, we will fine-tune the engine beneath your website’s hood, ensuring peak performance for both users and search engines. This meticulous process involves optimizing the infrastructure of your site, making it not just visible but easily crawled by search algorithms.

Technical SEO Agency

Technical SEO addresses the technical aspects of your web site, what’s behind the scenes, to improve its chances of being ranked well. As your technical SEO agency, we will fine-tune the engine beneath your website’s hood, ensuring peak performance for both users and search engines. This meticulous process involves optimizing the infrastructure of your site, making it not just visible but easily crawled by search algorithms.

Engaging a skilled technical SEO agency is akin to fine-tuning a high-performance vehicle; it ensures every part of your website is working in harmony, delivering a seamless experience that both users and search engines will reward. This behind-the-scenes craftsmanship is key to driving your site to the forefront of digital discovery.

Strategy + Execution = Results


By optimizing the infrastructure of your website, we’ll give your site the best chances to rank for relevant keywords with a strong technical SEO foundation. Our technical SEO process starts with a technical SEO audit of critical ranking factors. Understanding the details about your website, search engine algorithms, and how each plays a role in your rankings is critical for driving successful results for your business.


Did you know technical SEO plays a significant role in how Google ranks your website? Without technical SEO, your search engine rankings are likely to be unsuccessful. With insights from our technical SEO audits, we can make changes to the site that cannot be seen with the eye, but help clients’ rankings improve from deep within the SERPs to page 1, increasing both quality and quantity of traffic.


Our technical SEO agency works alongside your developers to build a solid technical SEO strategy that puts you at the top of Google search results. We provide specific optimizations that enable search engines to index your page efficiently and accurately. It’s our priority to keep you informed on your strategy by providing routine status calls to keep you updated on results and any updates required along the way. At Bullseye Strategy, we don’t stop until your campaign hits the bullseye.


Technical SEO is just one of many components that drive a successful SEO campaign. Our team works with you to accommodate the ever-changing search engine algorithms to ensure your results stay at the top. Check out our SEO case studies to learn more about how we build successful SEO campaigns for our clients.

Case Studies



Motif Photos

We’re ready to help! Bullseye Strategy is a national technical SEO agency headquartered in South Florida. Our team is committed to providing data-driven results using a technical SEO strategy. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation.

How To Do A Technical Seo Audit

It’s time to prove to search engines like Google that your website is valuable enough to rank at the top of search engine results pages. Our technical SEO agency provides thorough audits of your website by evaluating everything from page speed to mobile-friendliness. Our technical SEO audit means taking a deep dive into several components to ensure your website earns a place at the top of the search engine results pages. Every audit includes an evaluation of the following:

Page Speed

Page speed is a critical factor in user experience and search engine rankings. If an audit reveals slow load times, we optimize images, minify code, and leverage browser caching to enhance speed, ensuring visitors stay engaged and search engines favor your site.

Site Structure

A well-organized site structure improves usability and search engine crawling efficiency. Auditing for structure allows us to ensure a logical hierarchy and navigation, making it easier for users to find content and for search engines to index pages.

Content Optimization

Content optimization ensures that your content is not only valuable to your audience but also discoverable by search engines. We audit for keyword relevance, quality, and uniqueness, enhancing visibility and engagement by aligning content with user intent and search trends.


Auditing rendering, especially for critical JavaScript frameworks and the Document Object Model (DOM), ensures that search engines can properly render and understand your site’s content. If issues are found, we may optimize JavaScript execution and ensure server-side rendering or dynamic rendering as solutions.


We audit crawling to ensure search engines can efficiently navigate and understand your site. Identifying and fixing broken links, improper use of robots.txt, and ensuring a clean URL structure can significantly improve crawlability.


Security audits identify vulnerabilities that could compromise user safety and trust. Implementing HTTPS, securing data, and addressing vulnerabilities not only protect your users but also contribute positively to your site’s search ranking.


Indexing audits ensure that search engines are correctly indexing your site’s pages. We address issues like duplicate content, noindex tags, and improper canonical tags to improve your site’s visibility in search results.

Structured Data

Structured data helps search engines understand and display your content in rich snippets. Auditing for structured data ensures it’s correctly implemented, enhancing visibility and click-through rates from search results.


Canonical tags prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the “master” copy of a content piece. Auditing these tags ensures they are correctly used, preventing dilution of ranking signals and content value.

Hreflang Tags

Hreflang tags signal to search engines what language and regional variations your content is targeting. Auditing these ensures that the right version of your content is served to the right audience, improving user experience and search relevance.

Missing, Duplicate, Over or Under Character Metadata

Metadata like titles and descriptions impact click-through rates and relevance. Auditing identifies any issues, allowing for optimization that aligns with best practices and search engine guidelines, improving visibility and engagement.

4XX and 5XX Errors

These errors indicate broken pages and server issues, respectively, harming user experience and site credibility. Auditing helps identify and fix these errors, ensuring a smooth user journey and maintaining search engine trust.

This comprehensive approach to a technical SEO audit addresses critical elements that impact your site’s search performance and user experience, ensuring any issues are promptly identified and rectified.

How To Do A Technical Seo Audit

It’s time to prove to search engines like Google that your website is valuable enough to rank at the top of search engine results pages. Our technical SEO agency provides thorough audits of your website by evaluating everything from page speed to mobile-friendliness. Our technical SEO audit means taking a deep dive into several components to ensure your website earns a place at the top of the search engine results pages. Every audit includes an evaluation of the following:

Page Speed

Page speed is a critical factor in user experience and search engine rankings. If an audit reveals slow load times, we optimize images, minify code, and leverage browser caching to enhance speed, ensuring visitors stay engaged and search engines favor your site.

Site Structure

A well-organized site structure improves usability and search engine crawling efficiency. Auditing for structure allows us to ensure a logical hierarchy and navigation, making it easier for users to find content and for search engines to index pages.

Content Optimization

Content optimization ensures that your content is not only valuable to your audience but also discoverable by search engines. We audit for keyword relevance, quality, and uniqueness, enhancing visibility and engagement by aligning content with user intent and search trends.


Auditing rendering, especially for critical JavaScript frameworks and the Document Object Model (DOM), ensures that search engines can properly render and understand your site’s content. If issues are found, we may optimize JavaScript execution and ensure server-side rendering or dynamic rendering as solutions.


We audit crawling to ensure search engines can efficiently navigate and understand your site. Identifying and fixing broken links, improper use of robots.txt, and ensuring a clean URL structure can significantly improve crawlability.


Security audits identify vulnerabilities that could compromise user safety and trust. Implementing HTTPS, securing data, and addressing vulnerabilities not only protect your users but also contribute positively to your site’s search ranking.


Indexing audits ensure that search engines are correctly indexing your site’s pages. We address issues like duplicate content, noindex tags, and improper canonical tags to improve your site’s visibility in search results.

Structured Data

Structured data helps search engines understand and display your content in rich snippets. Auditing for structured data ensures it’s correctly implemented, enhancing visibility and click-through rates from search results.


Canonical tags prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the “master” copy of a content piece. Auditing these tags ensures they are correctly used, preventing dilution of ranking signals and content value.

Hreflang Tags

Hreflang tags signal to search engines what language and regional variations your content is targeting. Auditing these ensures that the right version of your content is served to the right audience, improving user experience and search relevance.

Missing, Duplicate, Over or Under Character Metadata

Metadata like titles and descriptions impact click-through rates and relevance. Auditing identifies any issues, allowing for optimization that aligns with best practices and search engine guidelines, improving visibility and engagement.

4XX and 5XX Errors

These errors indicate broken pages and server issues, respectively, harming user experience and site credibility. Auditing helps identify and fix these errors, ensuring a smooth user journey and maintaining search engine trust.

This comprehensive approach to a technical SEO audit addresses critical elements that impact your site’s search performance and user experience, ensuring any issues are promptly identified and rectified.

Stacey Sutherland
Stacey Sutherland
I am thrilled to share a glowing review for the BullsEye Strategy team! Their efforts have been instrumental in catapulting our brand’s online presence to new heights. In a world where collaboration is key, BullsEye has been an invaluable partner in our journey to connect with industries seeking to leverage the potential of travel for fostering brand loyalty and engagement. Thanks to their in depth knowledge of SEO, we’ve reached the number one seat at the top of search engine rankings, a testament to their expertise in digital strategy. Their insights have consistently hit the mark, guiding us towards strategies that resonate with our target audience. Moreover, their consistent creation of impactful content has ensured that we remain not only relevant but also a frontrunner in our field. Working with BullsEye has been an absolute delight - their wealth of knowledge and collaborative spirit have made them an indispensable asset to our team. Many thanks to BullsEye for their contributions!
Great full-team experience to enhance our web, LinkedIN, and Google ad presence. Their expertise ensures that all aspects of our site are helping each other. We will be able to see where our customers are going and if they are finding what they need and seek.
Yvonne Monroe
Yvonne Monroe
Love working with the Bullseye team. We've been a client for several years with very positive results.
Jason Schreier
Jason Schreier
Bullseye has done a great job of handling our marketing & SEO/SEM needs. They have a diverse team capable of managing all areas, are highly organized, & a pleasure to work with. We highly recommend them.
Lisa Clark
Lisa Clark
Everyone at Bullseye is terrific. Each specialty is handled by a subject expert and all is coordinated through an account manager. Our online business is tracking 100% YOY so far!!! We are confident this trend will continue with their support and strategy. Major Kudos to Natasha, our account manager. She is so knowledgeable, pleasant and organized!!!!
fStop Foundation
fStop Foundation
The team at Bullseye Strategy has been a very powerful force in helping us grow our awareness and online presence. We love working with them! They are extremely responsive and are great listeners adjusting the message and the programs to what we need and when we need it. Highly recommend them!
Experienced staff with an amazing culture. Hands down the best job I have ever had. This is an agency with remarkable knowledge, strategy, and proven results. Highly-recommended!
Premier Virtual
Premier Virtual
Working with Jonathan and Bullseye has been great. Very knowledgeable and gets things done. They also came up with great ideas to help my business grow. Highly recommend.
Bullseye has handled the internet marketing for my law firm, Solkoff Legal, P.A., since October of 2019. They have proven to be a knowledgeable resource for us and constantly impress me with their easy availability, preparation and tracking systems. They are result-oriented, respect the firm's budget and we are seeing the results of our relationship in our bottom line. I recommend Bullseye for Internet Marketing and invite calls as a reference.