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Top 5 Tips for Engaging Facebook Posts | Bullseye Strategy

by | Jun 18, 2013

Social is like seasons, it’s constantly changing. What you read this morning might be old news by this afternoon. As digital marketers we’re always striving to stay ahead of changes that are happening more rapidly now than ever. In this blog I’ll share five of my top Facebook tips that can increase your user engagement.

  1. Less is more. In social media it’s about getting your message across in as few words as possible. Facebook posts with less than 100 characters get the most engagement.  
  2. Photos are a thing of the past. Well, maybe not, but photos may be reaching less people on Facebook. Take a look at your page level insights; you’ll notice a much higher reach on text only posts, over image posts. We can attribute this to the always changing and mysterious Facebook EdgeRank algorithm. However, don’t throw out that photo budget yet. According to Hubspot, photo content on Facebook generates 53% more likes than the average post.
  3. Be positive! Humorous, happy and motivational posts have significantly more engagement over neutral and negative posts. Ultimately, users want to laugh, be inspired, and share fun posts with their friends.
  4. Know your brand. The Facebook audience for our client timeshareAdvisor, love to engage in and answer questions. One successful post asked users to “‘Like’ if you maintain an active lifestyle!” This promoted post received over 1,356 likes, it reached 60,000 people, had 16 comments and 94 shares. Understanding what your audience wants is key in maximizing engagement.
  5. Just ask. There are different schools of thought on this, but if you want someone to engage with your post, ask. Make it simple, and easy. Put your call to action at the beginning of the post, for example, “Like if you feel the same”, “Share if you agree”, or “Comment below with your suggestions”.
How are you engaging with your audience on Facebook?


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