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Bullseye Digital Marketing Updates: Date to the Polls & More

by | Nov 2, 2018

By Mark Eting Bullseye Strategy Special Correspondent What are digital marketing agencies buzzing about this week? At Bullseye Strategy, the following three stories have overtaken our water cooler talk.

Giddy About Google’s New Click-to-Message Ads

Particularly for our clients with a brick-and-mortar presence, we’re excited about a new development from Google Ads that will make it easier to track conversions. The new click-to-message ads allow texts from a user to be sent via email. Read more about this in Marketing Land. Click to Message Google Ads

Connected TV Opportunites Abound

By 2022, 60% of the U.S. population will watch connected TV at least once a month. Streaming is the most used video platform for millennials, according to a Marketing Dive study last month. We’re excited to dive into this emerging platform. connected TV video

Crushing on #YourVotingDate Campaign

Finally, we all felt our hearts skip a beat over a campaign from two creatives at McCann designed to increase voter turnout. With partnership from OKCupid, #YourVotingDate combines voting with matchmaking. In an interview with Adweek, McCann’s Kyle Harrison explained that it’s not just about romantic partnerships, but anyone you might want to spend time with November 6. increasing voter turnout with dating “Mark Eting” is the pen name of the Bullseye Strategy team. Check back with us next week for more news on what’s buzzing in the digital marketing industry.]]>

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