Bullseye Buzz: Bye, UpFronts. Hi, NewFronts!

By Mark Eting Bullseye Strategy Special Correspondent Once upon a time, people watched broadcast TV, and UpFronts, the seasonal gathering of advertisers and TV network execs to divvy up commercial air time, was an incredibly important event. (Isn’t that quaint, almost like a tea party or a rotary-dial phone?) Today, of course, viewers take a […]

Bullseye Buzz: What You Don't Know WILL Hurt You

By Mark Eting Bullseye Strategy Special Correspondent You know what they say about the word “assume”: don’t. This is especially true if you’re responsible for your company’s bottom line. At risk: local businesses who think simply having a website with up-to-date contact info is enough for them to be found online, marketers shying away from […]