Bullseye Buzz: Bye, UpFronts. Hi, NewFronts!

By Mark Eting Bullseye Strategy Special Correspondent Once upon a time, people watched broadcast TV, and UpFronts, the seasonal gathering of advertisers and TV network execs to divvy up commercial air time, was an incredibly important event. (Isn’t that quaint, almost like a tea party or a rotary-dial phone?) Today, of course, viewers take a […]

Changing Ad Landscapes: Today’s Family TV Time | Bullseye

By Maria Harrison, President, Bullseye Strategy We all can remember a time when our families sat down to sing the “Dallas” theme song or watch pretend politicians debate during an episode of “The West Wing.” Whether you enjoyed the daily news cycle or reserved your ritual for Thursday night’s “Must-See TV,” it was a predictable […]

The Final Four: Emerging Digital Technologies | Bullseye

By Jonathan Schwartz, CEO Bullseye Strategy  Have you filled out your bracket yet? As March Madness begins, basketball fans across the country are making calculated decisions to determine which teams are favored to win the NCAA Tournament. Meanwhile, at Bullseye Strategy, we’re reviewing our own “final four”: the top digital technologies. No, this didn’t involve […]