Social Media Advertising Company

Some agencies will use your media dollars for target practice. We’ll use it for bullseyes. Through data mining, advanced audience, and targeting technology, paid social media advertising can precisely target your audience to drive leads, sales, and revenue efficiently.

Social Media Advertising Company

Some agencies will use your media dollars for target practice. We’ll use it for bullseyes. Through data mining, advanced audience, and targeting technology, paid social media advertising can precisely target your audience to drive leads, sales, and revenue efficiently.

Our Social Media Marketing Company Hits the Target

Social media marketing may seem daunting at first with various social platforms, ad units, and optimization options to consider. As experts who spend every waking moment on these platforms and obsessing over the customer journey, whether you’re a startup just getting off the ground or a Fortune 100, our media team will find your audience and make the most efficient use of your budget to target your audience. Our team is adept at working with varying size budgets and scaling them for maximum return on ad spend.

Strategy + Execution = Results


We combine full-funnel paid social ad campaigns with compelling messaging and thumb-stopping images and videos to convey your brand story to granular audiences across all devices resulting in minimal waste, high ad recall, engagement, and conversions. Whether you’re selling B2B or B2C, our social media advertising services are rooted in deep analytics, data, and audience targeting, resulting in the kind of performance that will delight your C-suite.


We’ll drill down on your website analytics to determine where your customers are dropping out of the funnel. Then, we’ll recover them with abandonment flows, personal ads, shopping experiences, and user journeys, then build advanced retargeting using online data to meet your customers where they are to capture the conversions.


Bullseye Strategy is a premier social media advertising company. We use high-quality content to create compelling ads that appeal to the audience you’re targeting. With detailed analysis and personalized ad creation, we’ll help you reach your marketing goals. Bullseye Strategy will build your paid social media marketing campaign tailored to your brand’s unique needs, whether you want to drive conversions or boost brand awareness.


Our expert team will work directly with you to establish clear marketing objectives and build campaigns that help you achieve them in short order with rapid deployment, optimizations, and analysis that leads to the most efficient use of your media dollars. We use a data-driven approach to evaluate the success of your ads in addition to quarterly and monthly reporting to continue building campaigns based on what worked best from previous ad placements.


Our 360-degree customer journey approach nurtures relationships and builds better brand experiences leading to higher conversions and return on ad spend. We start by identifying your target audience and, specifically, your ideal customer. Then, we analyze your existing sales data and marry that to the vast array of targeting options available across popular social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, and others.

Our social media advertising company considers every step in the customer journey and builds a sequenced ad strategy that takes the consumer from awareness to desire to intent to action!


Whether you’re selling to other businesses or consumers, your creative has to create a connection with your audience. From strong, provocative ads to warm and fuzzy heartstring-tugging creative to celebrate the special moments in life, our creative is designed to create an authentic connection with your audience and stop the scroll.


Social media is the frontline of brand-customer interaction today. Whether your a B2C, B2B, or DTC company, your customers are spending time on social media for business purposes and for pleasure. With a sophisticated social media strategy, Bullseye Strategy can move your brand from using social platforms for engagement and feedback to being a place where we can amplify your brand presence, engabling you to craft targeted, impactiful campaigns that drive results across organic and paid social media tactics.

The integration of social media into our comprehensive marketing strategies offers unparalleled opportunities for real-time interaction, customer insight acquisition,making it an indispensable component for achieving competitive advantage and fostering long-term growth. Through expertly managed campaigns, Bullseye Strategy can transform these opportunities into tangible outcomes, cementing social media’s role as a cornerstone of your overall marketing strategy.

The expertise of a social media advertising company transforms these platforms into stages for strategic storytelling, engaging dialogues, and data-driven insights. This orchestration not only elevates brand visibility but also cultivates meaningful connections, fostering loyalty and driving conversion. Entrusting this intricate performance to a seasoned social media advertising company ensures that every note resonates with precision, sophistication, and impact, making social media an indispensable instrument in the executive marketing repertoire.


By positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry, you can reach the decision-makers that need your products and services. With thoughtful content set high in the funnel, we’ll capture their attention and convert them to leads.

While your sales team gets to work contacting prospective new customers, we’ll continue to push them through the conversion funnel with a sequenced ad strategy that demonstrates how your product or service can improve their bottom lines. In addition, we’ll put prior sales history and other data points to work to engage your most valuable audiences on all social platforms.

Case Studies


The Enclave

Want To Learn More About Paid Social Campaigns That Get Results Fast?

We’re here to help! If you’re ready to take the plunge into social media advertising. Schedule a complimentary consultation with our social media marketing experts at Bullseye Strategy today!

Stacey Sutherland
Stacey Sutherland
I am thrilled to share a glowing review for the BullsEye Strategy team! Their efforts have been instrumental in catapulting our brand’s online presence to new heights. In a world where collaboration is key, BullsEye has been an invaluable partner in our journey to connect with industries seeking to leverage the potential of travel for fostering brand loyalty and engagement. Thanks to their in depth knowledge of SEO, we’ve reached the number one seat at the top of search engine rankings, a testament to their expertise in digital strategy. Their insights have consistently hit the mark, guiding us towards strategies that resonate with our target audience. Moreover, their consistent creation of impactful content has ensured that we remain not only relevant but also a frontrunner in our field. Working with BullsEye has been an absolute delight - their wealth of knowledge and collaborative spirit have made them an indispensable asset to our team. Many thanks to BullsEye for their contributions!
Great full-team experience to enhance our web, LinkedIN, and Google ad presence. Their expertise ensures that all aspects of our site are helping each other. We will be able to see where our customers are going and if they are finding what they need and seek.
Yvonne Monroe
Yvonne Monroe
Love working with the Bullseye team. We've been a client for several years with very positive results.
Jason Schreier
Jason Schreier
Bullseye has done a great job of handling our marketing & SEO/SEM needs. They have a diverse team capable of managing all areas, are highly organized, & a pleasure to work with. We highly recommend them.
Lisa Clark
Lisa Clark
Everyone at Bullseye is terrific. Each specialty is handled by a subject expert and all is coordinated through an account manager. Our online business is tracking 100% YOY so far!!! We are confident this trend will continue with their support and strategy. Major Kudos to Natasha, our account manager. She is so knowledgeable, pleasant and organized!!!!
fStop Foundation
fStop Foundation
The team at Bullseye Strategy has been a very powerful force in helping us grow our awareness and online presence. We love working with them! They are extremely responsive and are great listeners adjusting the message and the programs to what we need and when we need it. Highly recommend them!
Experienced staff with an amazing culture. Hands down the best job I have ever had. This is an agency with remarkable knowledge, strategy, and proven results. Highly-recommended!
Premier Virtual
Premier Virtual
Working with Jonathan and Bullseye has been great. Very knowledgeable and gets things done. They also came up with great ideas to help my business grow. Highly recommend.
Bullseye has handled the internet marketing for my law firm, Solkoff Legal, P.A., since October of 2019. They have proven to be a knowledgeable resource for us and constantly impress me with their easy availability, preparation and tracking systems. They are result-oriented, respect the firm's budget and we are seeing the results of our relationship in our bottom line. I recommend Bullseye for Internet Marketing and invite calls as a reference.