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Bullseye Buzz: Instagram Shop and Pinned Comments, Google Swirl Ads

By Mark Eting

Bullseye Strategy Special Correspondent

There are few things more refreshing in the heat of summer than an ice-cream cone. So we have a real digital marketing treat available for you this week, with a double-scoop of Instagram news, and a “swirl” of Google news on top. So grab a few napkins and chill.

Google “Swirl Ads” Available to All Advertisers

Have you seen these Google “Swirl ads,” yet? They allow consumers to zoom in, zoom out, and even rotate products 360 degrees as ways to explore more about the items on display.

It’s an intriguing way to digitally market a product beyond a simple “Click to Learn More” concept by allowing people to interact and engage with a brand before taking that crucial next step.

Google launched the ad unit in beta June 2019, but they’re available now to all advertisers using Display & Video 360.

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Instagram Pinned Post Comments

Back in April, Instagram announced it was testing the option allowing you to pin comments to the top of posts. Well, it is now confirmed; let the pinning proceed! 

But why? By highlighting positive comments, you can manage the tone of the conversation as these are the first comments anyone will see when clicking in. It could be answers to a question you’ve asked, ideas you’ve asked your audience to weigh in on, or a FAQ of sorts for instances when the same inquiries keep popping up.  

Instagram says they hope that this helps Instagram users steer the conversations in a more positive direction. 

Instagram’s Triple Sales Threat

First, we saw Instagram start allowing links to products as tags on images. Then, we told you about their test of links in captions for products. Now, enter the “Shop” tab!

Instagram keeps testing opportunities to bring shopping to the forefront, this time by replacing the heart-icon “activity tab,” with a shopping-bag “shopping tab.” 

For those not involved in the test, they’ll still be able to access shopping via the “Explore” section. It’s also available via the navigation menu, but that’s gotten a tweak as well. That version of Instagram Shop now only shows products of the brands you follow; it’s your personally curated feed for shopping.

Stay safe. Stay classy. Stay cool. 

“Mark Eting” is the pen name of the Bullseye Strategy team. Check back with us next week for more news on what’s buzzing in the digital marketing industry
