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Bullseye Buzz: Google's Get-A-Quote Button and Other Swoonworthy News

by | Jul 31, 2019

By Mark Eting

Bullseye Strategy Special Correspondent

We hope you had a great #NationalEmojiDay last week. If we had to choose an emoji to describe how we’ve felt about the most recent digital marketing news, it would most definitely be the heart eyes?, because we’re swooning over announcements from Google, Pinterest, and Amazon that will make our professional lives easier and our clients’ results more impressive. Here’s what’s got us reaching for the smelling salts.

Google My Business Adds “Get A Quote” Button

Get A Quote Button

Searching for a local business in everyone’s favorite search engine will soon yield more than a name, website, hours of operation and contact info; you’ll be able to push a (very large) button to request a quote from the vendor without leaving the local knowledge panel. To activate this new feature for their listings, businesses will need to have messaging turned on within their Google My Business accounts. Get ready for some serious leads, friends!

Pinterest Makes It Easy to Create Ads On-the-Go

The Get-A-Quote feature from Google is a win for our clients; Pinterest’s new on-the-go ad creation capability is a win for us! Advertisers no longer need to be sitting at their cubes, pecking away wildly at their laptops or desktops, to create compelling Pinterest ads. Pinterest’s new Mobile Ad Tools make it possible to choose ad creative, targeting, advertising spend, campaign duration and more–all from the comfort of their beach lounge chair, hammock, or wherever it is that advertisers like to do their work. (As for this reporter, I’ll be setting up our clients’ Pinterest ads from the Eiffel Tower.)

Pinterest Mobile Ad Tools
Pinterest ads on the go!

In other swoon-worthy Pinterest news, we’re loving the new self-help tool to assist pinners dealing with stress and mental fatigue. (It’s like Pinterest knew that we turned to their platform to search for vacation ideas and brownie sundae recipes only when we were in our darkest hour!)

Latest Connected TV Ad Data Makes Our Heart Skip A Beat

With connected TV video ad impressions now accounting for 49% of all video impressions, Amazon has decided to open its Fire TV ad inventory to third-parties…wait. Did we just say CTV accounts for almost half of ALL video impressions? Someone, grab us a fainting couch! Indeed, that is the news for Q12019, and it’s a 60% increase over CTV impressions from last year. “The strength of CTV and similar channels like over-the-top (OTT) streaming has bolstered the programmatic video market generally,” Marketing Dive reported. We’re big fans of CTV, OTT and any other streaming content acronyms because these venues generally offer a more precise and cost-effective way to reach customers.

connected TV accounts for 49% of video ad impressions

“Mark Eting” is the pen name of the Bullseye Strategy team. Check back with us next week for more news on what’s buzzing in the digital marketing industry.


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