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Coachella Marketing Stunts & SEO Tips | Bullseye Strategy

By Mark Eting

Bullseye Strategy Special Correspondent

digital marketing news

It’s been one of those weeks where celebrity-designed shoes are air-dropped into Coachella goers’ phones, thought leaders are officially the cool kids of social media, and a WordPress plug-in has upgraded its game so significantly that SEO nerds like ourselves everywhere are conga-lining around our offices. Welcome to an especially exuberant edition of the Bullseye Buzz.

It’s Raining Shoes, Hallelujah.

Childish Gambino Airdrop Adidas shoes

In an influencer collaboration that makes every Instagram #OOTD post feel yawn-worthy in comparison, Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) used iOS Airdrop to send everyone at Coachella a free pair of the shoes he designed for Adidas; to get the shoes, attendees had to agree to wear the shoes during the duration of the event. (Rough deal, right?) While we hope this new strategy is a sign that our favorite things soon will be sent to us in the near future via Airdrop, a more likely takeaway is that influencer marketing will become increasingly experiential as brands try to one-up the Adidas playbook.

B2B Influencers Enter the Big League.

B2B podcasters

So, we’re not going to lie: we’ve always been rooting for B2B influencers. The fashionistas, fitspirational athletes and #Instagood foodies of the world have made influencer marketing what it is today, and we remain in awe of them and someday hope to be able to plank for 10 minutes straight while live on social media, too. But the thought leaders who have created a name for themselves because of witty TED Talks, thought-provoking podcasts and insightful LinkedIn posts truly are the gurus we worship. Seeing their partnerships with B2B companies flourish has been really exciting–whether it’s co-authorship of a whitepaper, sponsorship of a podcast or an event. This round-up of 10 inspiring B2B influencer campaigns was one of our favorite reads of the week, and we’re pumped to plan programs like these for our B2B clients.

Yoast SEO Has Reason to Boast.

And now for the most exciting update in the digital marketing world this week: Yoast SEO has become the first WordPress plug-in to offer a defragmented implementation of (!!!) In English, what that means is #gainz, SEO peeps. With Yoast SEO’s latest update to its WordPress plugin, get ready for correct info in Google Knowledge Panels, a higher chance of product and local snippets showing up in Google search, and Rich Article Pins will be fully supported on Pinterest. It’s essentially one massive clean-up that improves communication between WordPress and Google. We’re so excited about what this will mean for our clients’ rankings that we’ve taken it upon ourselves to celebrate a bit.

Yoast celebration
Stock photo of celebrating business people; no actual SEO specialists are pictured here.

“Mark Eting” is the pen name of the Bullseye Strategy team. Check back with us next week for more news on what’s buzzing in the digital marketing industry.
