It’s beginning to look a lot like Facebook, everywhere you go. Earlier this month, Twitter announced a redesign of user profiles and they look quite familiar. Twitter is calling their new design an easier and more fun way to express yourself – or your brand – through the web profile, and it is now available to all Twitter users.
What is included in the Twitter redesign?
- A larger profile photo: The original profile photo was 73px x 73px. Now, the Twitter profile photo is 400px x 400px. The larger dimension enables your brand’s logo to stand out.
- A customizable header image: Instead of a small box at the top of the profile, the new header image spans the browser. While the current header image dimensions will fit within the space, Twitter recommends a header image of 1500px x 500px to avoid fuzzy or stretched images.
- The About section no longer hovers over the header image. Instead, it now resides below the profile photo on the lift-hand side. This change gives users more creative freedom in the header image.
- Best tweets: Your tweets with the most engagement will appear in a larger text inside of your stream of updates.
- Filtered views: When visiting someone else’s profile, you can choose how to view their tweets: tweets only, tweets plus replies or tweets with photos or videos.
- A Pinterest-style grid. Enjoy a view of your followers, who you’re following and your visual content.
What does the new update mean for your social media marketing strategy?
Three things immediately come to mind.
First, you should use the valuable space in the header image to really showcase your brand. It gives your audience a true glimpse into your brand’s personality. For example, take a look at The First Lady’s new profile; it helps tell the story of her civic passions.
Second, leverage pinned tweets to drive emotion, promote an upcoming event, showcase an announcement, or to summarize your brand’s mission for new users to see.
Lastly, with the new Pinterest-styled grid, be sure to share more photos and videos. According to Buffer, tweets with photos received 18% more clicks and 150% more retweets. That may even increase with this new photo-friendly layout. Hubspot and Twitter identified the sweet spot for images to be every four posts.
What do you think of the Twitter redesign?
Alexandra Gormann]]>