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Is an Enterprise SEO Agency Necessary to Generate Organic Growth?

by | May 10, 2022

Enterprise marketers define “enterprise” in many different ways. For some, it is described by the number of pages on a website, and for others, it is defined by how many workers are employed at a company. But no matter how we choose to describe it: enterprise-level businesses face the same unique challenges in enterprise SEO. When tackling enterprise-level SEO, there are more moving pieces, departments, and stakeholders than smaller organizations and websites face.

Once your company has reached an enterprise level, it is time to re-evaluate your SEO strategy. Enterprise and traditional SEO focus on critical areas to help your website succeed, improve revenue, and place your website at the top of SERPs (search engine results pages). This blog will discuss why enterprise SEO is necessary and what to expect when working with an enterprise SEO agency.

Is Enterprise SEO Necessary?

Enterprise SEO is a necessary and effective marketing channel to pursue if appropriately implemented. It helps push organic users to your website, which, in turn, can have a positive impact on your bottom line.

But before you catch your audience’s attention, enterprise marketing can present unique challenges to SEO optimizes your online visibility— no matter the size of your business. Your online presence builds trust with new and existing customers, helping you establish credibility. But as your company grows, this task can become more challenging. This is why implementing your enterprise SEO strategy differs from how you would take on an SEO strategy for a small to mid-sized business.

An enterprise SEO agency has the tools and resources to maximize your SEO, helping you achieve optimal results, such as increased brand awareness, new leads, and significantly more conversions. Enterprise SEO requires due diligence and a skill set that you can only find with a reputable digital marketing agency. 

What Makes Enterprise SEO Uniquely Difficult? 

Just like any marketing strategy, consider your audience. While you are marketing to another business, It is no surprise when we tell you that 50% of all website traffic begins with an organic search. With that said, 93% of all online experiences start with the search engine. So ensuring your website pages are ready to rank at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs) takes a lot more manpower than a small-scale business. Not only do you have hundreds or maybe even thousands of website pages to manage with enterprise SEO, but the scale of your traffic and conversions changes, too. A reputable enterprise SEO agency can address these unique challenges of enterprise marketing with a sound enterprise-level SEO strategy that takes into consideration the technical and business challenges inherent in enterprise-level businesses and websites.

What to Expect When Using an Enterprise SEO Agency 

Several unique challenges come with marketing to enterprises. From producing engaging B2B content to When you work with an enterprise SEO agency, there are many things to expect,  whether that is outlining a clear strategy or auditing your current website. An enterprise SEO agency addresses some of the unique challenges of enterprise marketing and implements complex strategies in everything from analytics to auditing and analysis.

Auditing and Analysis 

The first step in any enterprise SEO strategy is thorough auditing and analysis. This means looking into how your website is already functioning and taking a deep dive into three main categories: relevance, authority, and technical SEO.

  1. Relevance
    Relevance identifies how relevant your content is in correlation to search terms. For example, “translation” has two main ideas attached. The first is what most people know it as – converting one language to another. The second is translations placed in biology as the process of translating the sequence of a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule to a sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis.

When we create content around “translation” we have to be sure we are targeting those looking for “language translation” topics and not “biological translation”. Below is an example of that shows the search term  “how does translation work” in reference to biology, not language translation. Creating longer-tail keywords such as “how does machine translation work”, “how does google translate work”, or “how does localization work” ensures relevancy with language-related translation.

  1. Authority
    Authority is a ranking factor in the overall placement of your website. Enterprise SEO experts build authority through the acquisition of backlinks. There are two types of authority: domain and page authority.
  • Domain Authority: describes the relevance of a specific website. It is based on the age and size of your domain and the number of relevant backlinks pointing to the root domain.
  • Page Authority: this metric predicts how well specific pages will perform in search engine rankings. Generally, the higher your page authority, the easier it is for that page to rank for the target keywords.

Both domain and page authority are built slowly over time through the acquisition of high-quality backlinks. As content is developed, it can be leveraged in numerous ways to develop backlinks and grow the authority of the site. As this pillar is audited, enterprise SEO professionals will evaluate your website’s backlink profile and conduct a backlink gap analysis to understand where off-page opportunities exist.

  1. Technical SEO
    Once authority and relevance are evaluated, it’s time to look at the infrastructure of your website. This process is known as technical SEO. By analyzing your website’s structure, an enterprise SEO expert can determine how easily search engines can crawl and index it.
Enterprise SEO professionals use three factors to assess your competition’s rankings and apply them to your website.

Once an enterprise SEO agency completes the evaluation of your website using these three factors, it is time to assess your competition. These experts will evaluate how your competitors are ranking, what they are doing to rank organically, and how they can reverse engineer your website to provide higher ranking results.

Strategy Creation and KPI Alignment 

While you want to stay top-of-mind with your B2B prospects,  the audience you target depends on the After completing auditing and analysis, it is time to build content and technical strategies, which begins with the crucial step of keyword mapping. This process is necessary to ensure that each page has a specific set of terms that are being targeted. Without keyword mapping, many things can happen, including keyword cannibalization, which is the process of your pages competing with one another, affecting your ability to rank organically.

Keyword mapping is also essential to help you understand how users search and think. Therefore, your content strategy must be based on actual searches, not just what you think people are searching for.

Optimization and Reporting 

Once the work is done, you need to evaluate its performance through optimization and reporting. From an enterprise SEO perspective, you want to measure your quarterly performance as this gives ample time to see how the progress develops. However, it is important to note that even though you complete quarterly reports, it may take 6-9 months for any real progress to show. 

The Alternatives: Are Enterprise SEO Agencies Needed?

The short answer is no. However, enterprise SEO has many moving parts that are difficult to balance without the assistance of an SEO specialist. SEO is not as simple as consistently creating engaging content. It requires a targeted keyword strategy, deep technical expertise, and the ability to adapt to the constantly changing search algorithms.

Utilizing an Enterprise SEO agency, although not entirely necessary, does make this process of developing the organic presence of your website much easier. Working with freelancers can lead to delays, communication issues, and poor quality work amongst other common issues.

Work With an Agency with Enterprise Experience

When you outsource to an enterprise SEO agency, it is essential to consider your goals, the services needed, your budget, and what impacts outsourcing will have on your existing structure. If you are looking for a trusted partner to optimize your website, Bullseye Strategy is a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in enterprise SEO, paid media, social media, content marketing, and more.

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