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8/22/16 – Weekly Digital Marketing News Roundup

by | Aug 24, 2016

Twitter fights abuse by making it easier to hide abuse   Twitter has updated its interface to try to tackle harassment concerns on the platform. Some of the changes include limiting notifications to people you follow on Twitter as well as a quality filter open to all users.  

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With ‘The Voice on Snapchat,’ NBC opens a new front for itself and advertisers

  Snapchat and NBC partner to roll out mini “The Voice” competition in advance of regular TV season. Snapchat Voice winners will go on to compete on the televised show. This partnership increases revenue opportunities for SnapChat to sell advertising and increases NBC’s opportunity to reach younger audiences.  

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Online-to-offline search value is exploding with ‘near me’ searches

  Search Engine Watch has written up a terrific piece on the term “near me” and its rise in prominence among searches year over year. These types of trends impact both organic (in this instance mobile) and PPC. In this instance, “near me” terms are increasing in cost, even though the conversion likely will occur in a brick and mortar store, losing their digital track-ability.  

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IPG: Twitter Video Ads Are More Relevant, Less Intrusive

  A joint study by the IPG Media Lab and Twitter on the performance of video on the social media network showed “strong performances” by in-feed and pre-roll videos. The study looked at the impact of ad environments on brand metrics including recall, perception of relevance, and brand favorability.  

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Pinterest: Introducing Promoted Video

  Pinterest rolls out Promoted Videos for businesses. Pinterest tested Promoted Videos with 12 advertisers and found that Promoted Video performs across a wide range of products and businesses, including food, beauty, financial services and entertainment.  

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