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Twitter Changes: What They Mean for You | Bullseye Strategy

by | Feb 18, 2015

Billions of New Opportunities Let it be known — Twitter doesn’t just want to increase its audience, it wants to “build the largest digital audience in the world.” Skeptical? Well, Twitter says that 185 billion tweet impressions were made outside of its website in the 3rd quarter of last year — mostly on apps and websites that embed tweets. But Twitter has never really capitalized on this content — until now. Twitter is now working with publishers to monetize these impressions with syndicated promoted posts and display ads. While the cost may rise to advertise on Twitter, you’ll have billions of new advertising opportunities and more reach.  

More Reasons to Press Play

You can now use Twitter to record 30-second videos. Just shoot it, edit it and post it — right on Twitter. What does this mean for your brand? “It’s less about pro editing and more about getting authentic clips out in the world really quickly,” says Jinen Kamdar, a Twitter product director. In other words, the ability to push out engaging and relevant video content on Twitter just got a whole lot easier and faster.   [youtube id=”qtFJf1N3zWw” align=”left” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”600″]   One thing you’ll also love about Twitter’s video feature is that it will soon offer autoplay on a pay-per-click basis. Basically, you’ll have the option to create a six-second preview for your promoted video and users have the option to click or move on. You only pay for the people who press play.  

Discoverability: The Google Way

Twitter’s plan to reach a broader audience also includes becoming more discoverable. That’s why they’ve forged a new partnership with Google. The best thing about this deal is that your brand’s tweets will be immediately available in Google search results. This extends the life of your tweets and makes real-time marketing more important than ever. So get that content out there and get it out there quickly — just be sure to keyword optimize it!  

See What’s Instantly Trending

Twitter recently unveiled a new tool called Curator. If you need to know what’s popular and where, at any given time, this is the tool for you. Use the search tool to sort through tweets, vines and data. Then put the filters to use — narrowing things down by location, word count, user sentiment and more. Once you’ve found what you’re looking for, you can take the tweets from search results and use them to add some color to your broadcast, article or blog post.   As Twitter continues to expand its reach beyond its core audience, you’ll likely be presented with more opportunities to grow your Twitter presence and your client base. That being said, if you’re unsure about how to take advantage of all the new features coming out, get in touch with one of Bullseye’s client strategists. We’re here to answer your questions and help you reevaluate your Twitter investment, so you can be the real winner of Twitter’s new growth strategy.]]>

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