From Awareness to Sales: Social Media’s Marketing Shift

Social media has become a staple in most corporate digital marketing strategies. Brand awareness and customer service are often cited as two of the key drivers for adding it to the marketing mix.  Social media has been an excellent platform for brands to become more than just a logo; it’s become a platform for brands […]

Social Media Marketing: Five Steps to Help You Get Started

The rumors are true. Social media works for businesses of all sizes, can increase revenue and establish brands as thought leaders in their space. If you are thinking to yourself that you don’t have the time, lack the know-how or don’t know where to get started read the five steps below that can kick-start your […]

Facebook Hits the Bullseye with New Targeting Function

We are thrilled to share with you that Facebook is introducing a new targeting function specific to status updates for its users. Instead of creating a general status update that gets released to your entire audience, you can now tailor it to fit a specific group of people according to InsideFacebook. This will provide Facebook […]

Facebook Brand Timeline Goes Live

Facebook has finally rolled out Timeline for Brand Pages. As of Wednesday, February 29, 2012, Page owners can opt-in to preview the new design and features; automatic upgrades to the new Timeline-style interface will be implemented on all pages by March 30, 2012. The preview period allows for brands to begin testing the new features […]

Facebook Launches its Open Graph Application Integration

Your Personal Activity Log! Keeping track of what you’re doing… just got easier! Back in September 2011, Facebook announced a number of F8 integrations (Ticker, Timeline, Subscribe button, etc.) that would roll-out over the course of the upcoming months. Among these advancements, was the ability to add open graph applications, which would allow users to […]